Chemical giant Ineos applies for new permit with 800-page environmental impact study

The British chemical giant Ineos is making a new attempt to obtain a permit for its ethane cracker in the port of Antwerp. An 800-page environmental study has been submitted for this purpose, De Tijd wrote on Thursday.
More than two months after the Council for Permit Disputes cut its new ethane cracker Project One, Ineos applied for a new permit. "We now hope to receive a permit by December. The sooner, the better, because the closed yard costs us a lot of money daily," says spokesperson Nathalie Meert. "We have already done our homework."
In its annulment judgment, the Council for Permit Disputes said Ineos had not sufficiently investigated the consequences of its nitrogen emissions for the Brabantse Wal, a nature reserve just across the Dutch border. The assessment did not show in sufficient detail that nitrogen had no significant impact.
The company has been working on a new assessment in recent months. A team of environmental and biodiversity experts from the consultancy firm Arcadis prepared a report of more than 800 pages, almost 10 times the size of the previous assessment. The report covers Brabantse Wal and all nature reserves in Flanders and the Netherlands, on which the ethane cracker could have an impact.
#FlandersNewsService | © PHOTO PETER HILZ ANP
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