Popularity of alcohol-free beer in Belgium up by a quarter in 2 years

The market share of non-alcoholic beer in Belgium has increased by 24.3 per cent in two years, according to figures announced by beer giant AB InBev on Tuesday. The company accounted for 60 per cent of the non-alcoholic beer market in Belgium in 2023.
Globally, non-alcoholic beers account for 1.8 per cent of the total beer market. In the EU, they represent a 4.9 per cent segment, while in Belgium, the figure is 5.1 per cent, an increase of almost a quarter in two years.
“Non-alcoholic beers are growing strongly,” said Jason Warner, CEO Europe of AB InBev. “We believe the growth will continue. It’s an important piece of our business.”
Corona Cero, the beer AB InBev recently proposed as part of its sponsorship the Paris Olympics, is the fastest-growing non-alcoholic product in the company’s range. The first of the beers made especially for this summer’s Games rolled off the production line at the company’s Leuven plant on Tuesday.
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