One in eight accidents in Belgium resulting in injury involve hit-and-run driver

In Belgium, about one in eight accidents in which someone was injured or killed last year involved a hit-and-run driver. Over a 10-year period, the number of injury accidents involving a hit-and-run driver has risen by 9 per cent, traffic institute Vias reported on Thursday.
In 2023, there were 4,799 hit-and-run accidents with injuries compared to 4,786 the previous year and 5,285 victims compared to 5,316. These findings show an increase in 9 per cent more accidents and 8 per cent more victims compared to 2014.
In 2023, most victims were cyclists 1,716) and pedestrians (940). Together, they account for just over half of the total number of victims. More than one in five pedestrians injured on the roads were victims of crime.
However, according to the latest figures from the police and the Joint Guarantee Fund, which pays compensation in the event of hit-and-run accidents or accidents involving uninsured vehicles, police have upped their ability to catch the perpetrators. The number of unsolved hit-and-run accidents has decreased from 24.5 per cent in 2014 to 13.7 per cent in 2022.
"It is clear from previous research that the perpetrators of hit-and-run crime were often driving under the influence of alcohol or did not have their papers in order (driving licence or insurance). However, every year, more cases are solved. Fleeing after an accident, even if you are in shock, is never a good solution. The penalties have greatly increased in recent years (up to a possible four years in prison), but above all, it is your moral duty to help someone in need," Vias said in a press release.
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