Giant walking shoe in Antwerp promotes annual Refugee Walk

Flanders' refugee council placed a giant walking boot on Antwerp's Operaplein on Tuesday to advertise the Refugee Walk. This annual walking event raises money and awareness about people forced to flee their homes and countries.
While the shoe is a nod to the arrival of the Giants of street theatre company Royal de Luxe, which will parade through Antwerp this weekend, it is ultimately connected to the awareness of the plight of refugees. "The installation symbolises solidarity with people on the run and reminds us of the challenges and hardships they go through in their search for safety," says Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen.

This year's Refugee Walk will take place on 8 October. Participants can choose a 20 or 40 km walk and the option of being sponsored to raise money for Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen, which fights for the rights of people forced to flee their homelands due to conflict, persecution and other emergencies. Participants can start at the Zomerfabriek in Antwerp or map out a route in a region of their choice.