Eight members of Brussels terror attack jury receive counselling

Eight members of the jury of the trial of the 2016 terrorists are receiving support from a psychologist. The ministry of Justice pays for 10 sessions. The system is also open to magistrates and prison guards.
Jury members often have to listen to horrific details in court and have to make difficult decisions, something that can lead to stress and mental health problems. Those affected are entitled to 10 free sessions with a psychologist. Eleven people have taken up this support, eight from the Brussels terrorist trial and three from other trials.
In 2023, 91 magistrates and prison guards also took up the support offer. For those professionals, the system started earlier and is better known by the target group, a spokesperson for the Justice department told VRT.
32 people died and more than 300 were injured by the two terrorist attacks of 22 March 2016 in Brussels. The months-long trial concluded in July this year.
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