Bike charter aims to improve nationwide links between cycling and train travel

Belgium’s four mobility ministers have signed a charter with rail operator SNCB and network manager Infrabel, in which they commit to building new cycle infrastructure along the railway lines.
The charter, the result of consultations launched in 2021 between the inter-federal cycling commission, SNCB, Infrabel, Beliris and cycling associations, aims to improve coordination on land policy and the sharing of information and best practice between public authorities and the railway companies.
The charter also provides for federal Mobility minister Georges Gilkinet, as the minister responsible for the two railway companies, to play a coordinating role.
“By building on this very broad agreement, we will be able to construct a genuine network of suitable infrastructure enabling people to reach stations by bike in a safe and comfortable way,” Gilkinet said.
The development is part of the Be Cyclist plan, the first federal action plan to promote cycling. A number of measures have been implemented, including the expansion of the mybike register to combat bicycle theft, an increase in the number of secure bicycle parking spaces, an increase in the mileage allowance for people who commute by bike and the reform of the Highway Code.
Belgium currently has more than 4,000km of cycling network, including more than 1,200km of infrastructure along railway lines and disused lines.
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