1 in 10 pupils considering teaching as a career
One in 10 secondary school pupils would like to be a teacher themselves, according to a survey by the umbrella organisation Vlaamse Scholierenkoepel (VSK). That means there is a new generation of young people ready to fill the growing number of teaching vacancies in the long term, as long as their enthusiasm can be capitalised on, the VSK said on Tuesday.
The VSK surveyed a total of 11,090 pupils, of whom 10 per cent named teaching as their top choice for their future career. Another 25 per cent are considering the profession. In technical education, enthusiasm is particularly high, with 14 per cent interested in a career in teaching.
Figures from Flemish employment agency VDAB on Tuesday showed that the number of vacancies in education had risen by 20 per cent in one year. Shortages are particularly prevalent in secondary education. In total, there are just under 3,200 vacancies for nursery, primary and secondary education.
VSK president Mauro Michielsen calls the survey results “positive”, but remains cautious. “It is one thing to think about a career, what really counts is that all this enthusiasm for the teaching profession can actually lead to more teachers in the classroom,” he said.
“Our figures show a great willingness among today’s students to contribute. This is where the government and teacher training can really come in.”
#FlandersNewsService | The launch of a teacher recruitment campaign in Dendermonde, East Flanders, in March 2022 © BELGA PHOTO MAARTEN WEYNANTS