Six out of ten Belgians want their country to be climate neutral by 2050
Six out of ten Belgians agree with the Belgian and European objective of becoming climate neutral by 2050. That is what emerged from the fifth national climate survey conducted by the Federal Public Service Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment among 1,600 Belgians. Climate change remains a concern recognised by eighty percent of Belgians. Belgians are counting on the authorities to cooperate better and industry to step up its efforts, while the impact of their own efforts is underestimated.
As in previous editions of the survey, Belgians appear to be primarily concerned about the environment. Health comes second. Eight out of ten Belgians express concerns about climate change, a figure that has remained stable compared to 2017, when the previous climate survey was conducted.
Just under 60 percent of Belgians (58 percent) indicate that they totally agree or agree with the statement that Belgium should be climate neutral by 2050. That figure rises slightly to 61 percent when the question is extended to the European Union. To tackle climate change, Belgians primarily look towards industry and freight transport, two sectors that are also considered the main cause of climate change. Only three in ten Belgians indicate that households should also make an effort.
Belgians also look to the various governments in the country to set a good example. Two-thirds (65 percent) think that the various governmental levels should cooperate better in the area of climate policy. Just over half (55 percent) also expect a stronger coordinating role from the federal government. For the first time, a majority of Belgians (53 percent) also indicate that they are willing to pay more for an airline ticket.
For the survey, the Federal Public Service interviewed 1,613 Belgians aged 16 to 75 between September and October 2021. With the survey, the Belgian Climate Change department wants to gain a better understanding of the knowledge and attitude of the general public about the climate problem, their willingness to do something about it and their expectations of the policy.
A 2019 climate demonstration in Brussels organised by 'Youth for Climate' © BELGA PHOTO THIERRY ROGE