School year in Belgium to have different start dates in Flanders and Wallonia

In French-language education, pupils no longer traditionally start the school year on September 1, but on the last Monday of August. Therefore, this school year begins 29 August. Nothing will change in Flanders for the time being. The school year starts on September 1 and runs until the end of June.
The French community government has wanted to shorten the summer holidays for some time. According to experts, it is too long for most children. In exchange, there is always an additional week during the autumn and spring break.
In this way, the school year is divided into blocks of seven weeks of lessons alternating with two weeks of vacation. The school year no longer ends on June 30, but on the first Friday of July. The next summer holiday will therefore start on July 7, 2023.
No consultations in Flanders
According to the Flemish Education Council (Vlor) and the Social-Economic Council of Flanders (SERV), there is currently no support for organizing the school year differently.
Flemish minister of Education Ben Weyts (N-VA) also indicated that education has other problems to deal with, such as the quality of education and the teacher shortage. He also does not intend to organize any further consultations on this. However, the minister promised to monitor developments on the other side of the language border.
The current calendar is also maintained in the education of the German-speaking community.