Record number of reusable cups at festivals brings environmental benefits
The festival summer is coming to an end and for the first time, almost all Belgian festivals have used reusable cups, with Tomorrowland the only exception.
In Flanders, reusable cups have been compulsory at festivals since 15 June 2023. Wallonia followed on 1 September last year.
This year, visitors to Belgian festivals drank from reusable cups at all festivals except Tomorrowland. Because of this infringement, the festival risks a fine of 500,000 euros per day, up to a total of 2 million euros.
As it did in 2023, Tomorrowland had applied for an exemption from the Flemish government because it still had disposable cups in stock, but the exemption was not granted this year. As of this year, an exemption is only granted if organisers can demonstrate that reusable cups would not provide an environmental benefit in their case, which the Tomorrowland organisers could not do.
'Undeniable impact'
Ecocup, the largest cup rental company, said it rented out 20 million cups last year. The 2024 figures are not yet complete, but are likely to be between 25 and 28 million cups, said Christophe Lampertz, manager at Ecocup Belgium. Ecocup is a French company with its Belgian headquarters in Liège.
Flemish public waste agency OVAM said the measure had been a success and the environmental benefits of reusable cups are “undeniable” if they are reused at least 10 times. “This includes the impact of the transport and the dishwashing process,” said spokesperson Jan Verheyen.
The reduction of waste is also significant, according to OVAM. Open-air city events - such as the Gentse Feesten - have up to 40 per cent less residual waste, and street cleaners have collected 60 per cent less waste. At enclosed music festivals, there was 63 per cent less waste per visitor thanks to reusable cups.
The figures also show that almost all festival-goers return the cups. If the festival uses a deposit system, 90 to 95 per cent of cups are returned. Without a deposit, 70 to 90 per cent are returned.
#FlandersNewsService | A reusable plastic cup at the Francofolies de Spa festival, July 2022 © BELGA PHOTO VIRGINIE LEFOUR
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