New climate march in Brussels on 20 September
A new climate march will be organised on Friday 20 September in Brussels, starting from the Brussels Central train station. That announced several groups, including Rise for Climate and Youth for Climate.
With this march, the climate organisations want to make their voices heard again. They call for respecting the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal, rejecting austerity policies and climate pauses as a response to the global climate crisis, and ending government subsidies for fossil fuels. The march starts at 18:30 and there will be concerts and speeches from 17:30.
As every year, climate protests will be held around the world on 20 September. The aim is to appeal to the heads of state who will gather at the United Nations Summit of the Future in New York on 22 and 23 September.
The European march and rally for the climate, democracy and against the far right and austerity, held in Brussels, on 23 June 2024 © BELGA PHOTO BELGA PHOTO NICOLAS MAETERLINCK