Government approves new strategy for Belgium's rapid intervention team

B-FAST, the Belgian First Aid and Support Team that provides emergency assistance abroad, is getting a new strategic vision. The Federal Council of Ministers decided it was time for the team to adapt to the new challenges of today and tomorrow.
As times change and we face diverse and evolving challenges, from pandemics to conflicts and natural disasters, it is crucial to keep emergency response teams resilient to new developments. That is why B-FAST, coordinator of Belgian international emergency assistance, has developed a new strategic vision.
One of the adjustments relates to the duration of operations. The maximum duration will be extended from 10 days to three months, making B-FAST more flexible in providing emergency aid during complex crises. But they will also, for example, be able to intervene in politically unstable areas or provide preventive training in fragile countries.
Overall, the new strategic vision has to streamline the team’s coordination and operational abilities. Now that federal ministers have approved the adjustments, the legal basis for the B-FAST team will be updated.
Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib visits B-FAST before their mission to Gaza | © Belga Photo Jonas Roosens