Giorgia Meloni claims leadership in the next government
Giorgia Meloni, the party leader of the post-fascist Fratelli d'Italia, which won the parliamentary elections on Sunday, has claimed leadership in the next government. After Mario Draghi's government fell, opposition party Fratelli d'Italia made big gains. "Italians have sent a clear message for a right-wing government led by Fratelli d'Italia," Meloni told the press in Rome. "We will govern for all Italians."
Within European circles, there is concern over the victory. One hundred years after Benito Mussolini came to power, Italy is getting a head of government from a party with roots in fascism. Meloni and her party do not hide the fact that they will pursue anti-migration policies and put Italy's nationalist interests first. Furthermore, Meloni also opposes what she herself calls the "lgbtq-lobby".
Meanwhile, the Italian Social Democrats have admitted their loss. They plan to go into opposition. "This is a sad day for our country," said Debora Serracchiani, the group leader of the Democratic Party (PD) in the Chamber of Deputies. Her party now has a "great responsibility and we have to live up to it in parliament".
Exit polls give the PD about 20 percent of the vote. That is slightly better than the 2018 election result. But Meloni's right-wing coalition fared much stronger.
© BELGA PHOTO - Leader of the Italian far-right party "Fratelli d'Italia" (Brothers of Italy) Giorgia Meloni during a press conference at her party's electoral headquarters. Meloni and her nationalist Brothers of Italy party were the clear winners according to initial projections. Rome, Italy, September 26, 2022.