Flanders invests 3m euros in sustainable road freight

The Flemish government is supporting 19 projects that invest in innovative charging infrastructure for trucks to make the industry more sustainable. This includes public charging infrastructure along highways. In total, Flanders is releasing 3 million euros.
The electrification of the truck fleet is evolving rapidly due to falling battery prices, increasing driving range and the availability of electric trucks. The projects approved by Flanders mainly focus on public charging infrastructure along highways and semi-public charging infrastructure linked to local energy generation, storage and load balancing.
"The switch to zero-emission transport or electric trucks requires a substantial investment from companies," said outgoing Flemish Mobility minister Lydia Peeters of liberals Open VLD.
"That is why we are lowering the threshold for transporters and charging infrastructure operators who invest in innovative charging infrastructure solutions with this call for projects. The early believers are essential to convince other companies."
#FlandersNewsService | © BELGA PHOTO JONAS ROOSENS