Five party presidents agree on new federal government: De Wever I

More than half a year after the elections, Belgium has a new government. If the members of the five parties of the ‘Arizona-coalition’ agree this weekend, the parliament can give its confidence next week to De Wever I.
After an agreement on budget cuts and socio-economic reforms, future prime minister Bart De Wever (N-VA) and the other party presidents (of MR, Les Engagés, CD&V and Vooruit) agreed on a path forward on ethical issues (abortion and euthanasia). De Wever finishes the negotiations with a visit to the King to bring him the good news, late Friday evening.
This weekend, the parties still have to agree on the competences for each, and on the names of the ministers linked to those competences. Then the members of the five parties have to accept the deal.