Electricity prices for companies remain high

Electricity prices for industrial consumers in Belgium remain high compared to neighbouring countries. Moreover, companies in Belgium are unprotected against new price increases in Europe, according to a Deloitte study commissioned by Febeliec, the industry association for large industrial energy consumers.

In 2024, Belgian companies with a base load (continuous electricity consumption) will continue to pay 10 to 21 per cent more for their electricity than the average of the Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Germany. Belgian companies still pay by far the highest taxes on their purchases, mainly due to regional levies.

Competitive disadvantage

"This not only puts Belgian companies at a significant competitive disadvantage compared to competitors in neighbouring countries, it also forces them to continue to compete with much lower energy costs in large parts of the rest of the world," Febeliec said.

"This structural handicap continues to seriously hamper industrial activity and its development in Europe and in Belgium, costing jobs, added value and prosperity."

Febeliec is therefore calling on the competent authorities to urgently take the necessary measures to restore the competitiveness of electricity prices for Belgian industry.



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