Close to 9 per cent of employed people in Flanders work in high-tech

According to new figures from Statistics Flanders, 8.8 per cent of all employees in the Flemish region were working in the high-tech sector in 2022. Flanders is slightly behind the average of the EU member states.
Between 2008 and 2015, the share of employees working in the high-tech sector fell from 9.7 per cent to 8.2 per cent. It then increased until 2022, when it fell again. More men (12.5 per cent) than women (4.7 per cent) work in high tech and medium-high tech.
The high-tech sector consists of high-tech services and medium high-tech manufacturing. The share of high-tech services in total employment has increased in recent years. In 2022, it was equal to that of medium high-tech manufacturing for the first time: both 4.4 per cent.
Flanders has the highest share of employment in high and medium high-tech in Belgium with 8.8 per cent. This is slightly higher than in Wallonia (8.7 per cent) and Brussels (8.4 per cent).
The average share of employment in high tech and medium-high tech in the EU27 countries stood at 9.7 per cent in 2022, slightly higher than in Flanders. A number of Eastern European member states score particularly high: Slovakia (15.3 per cent) and the Czech Republic (14.9 per cent) top the list, with Cyprus (5.2 per cent) and Greece (4.2 per cent) the lowest.