Chaffinch most spotted species in Belgium during migratory bird count

The chaffinch was the most spotted species during a migratory bird count in Belgium. Saturday's count, organised by nature organisations Natuurpunt and Natagora, was part of the international Eurobirdwatch campaign.
More than 350 bird enthusiasts counted birds migrating south for the winter at 91 counting stations – 70 in Brussels and Flanders and 21 in Wallonia – which is a record. The participants identified almost 160,000 migratory birds.
The chaffinch was the most spotted species, with a total of 34,220 observations. The wood pigeon and starling complete the top three. Also notable was the high number of skylarks and song thrushes.
147 species were counted, higher than in previous years. “That high number is mainly explained by the weather conditions on that day, and therefore has nothing to do with a broader ecological or climatic phenomenon,” said Bastiaan De Ketelaere of Natuurpunt.
Every year around this time, millions of birds migrate to their southern wintering places. The phenomenon is carefully monitored by birdwatchers. A second count will take place on 20 October to get a better idea of the migrating species.
In January, Natuurpunt organises a bird counting weekend focusing on garden birds.
A chaffinch takes off from a meadow © PHOTO IMAGEBROKER