Belgian state bonds raise over €108 million this year

Many Belgians have again found their way to the guaranteed and safe investment offered by a state bond, as the campaigns this year raised a total of €108.7 million, announced Federal Finance Minister Vincent Van Peteghem on Monday.
The most recent campaign raised €48.6 million – €36.2 million for the five-year bonds at 2% and €12.4 million for the 10-year bonds at 2.4%. Together with the campaigns of June and September, around €108.7 million was raised.
"It is clear that after a forced break of three years due to very low and negative interest rates, people have found their way back to the safe and secure investments that government bonds offer," said Van Peteghem in a press release.
People buying state bonds, which are intended for private investors, lend their money to the Federal Government for a number of agreed years. In exchange, the Government pays them an agreed interest each year. On the maturity date, the person who bought the bond gets their capital back.
"I thank the Federal Debt Agency for their excellent work this year and look forward to more successful campaigns in the future," he added.
While state bonds are typically issued about four times a year, the June 2022 campaign was the first in a period of three years. After a long period of very low and even negative interest rates, Van Peteghem and the Federal Debt Agency ensured that citizens could once again opt for a safe investment in government bonds.
Figures from the Federal Debt Agency also show that citizens have more than ever used the option of making a direct subscription via the Agency's website to benefit from free management via the General Ledger.