Belgian institute to monitor Telegram across Europe

Europe wants to curb the flood of illegal content on the controversial messaging app Telegram. The Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT) will monitor the app across Europe, writes De Standaard.
Developed in 2013 by two Russian brothers, Telegram is said to have at least 700 million active users worldwide, including around 40 million in Europe.
The messaging app has become a magnet for the far right, drug dealers and terrorists. Moderation of content on the app is very limited, allowing all kinds of conspiracy theories to flourish.
The BIPT will become the app's European regulator. For example, if Telegram does not act on a report of content inciting violence, the person who made the report can file a complaint with the BIPT.
This principle applies to any person or organisation in Europe that reports illegal content on Telegram. If the app does not comply, BIPT can impose a penalty.
BIPT is still waiting to be officially designated as a competent authority, which should happen within a few days.