Belgian healthcare system scores lower than European average

The resilience of the Belgian healthcare system is lower than in many other European countries, according to a new report. Belgium ranks 35th out of 100 countries in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
The findings come from a barometer published on Wednesday by medical technology specialist BD. Key areas of concern include patient safety, pressure on healthcare staff, and efficiency and sustainability.
Norway topped the list, with France, Germany, the Netherlands and even Russia outperforming Belgium. The report highlights significant problems with patient safety. Healthcare-associated infections in Belgium stand at 9.2 per cent, significantly higher than the European average of 6.8 per cent.
"These figures are alarming and underline the urgent need for increased awareness, best practices and innovative solutions," said professor Dirk De Ridder, quality director and head of the Institute for Health Policy at UZ Leuven.
High patient-to-nurse ratios
Burnout among healthcare professionals is another major problem, exacerbated by high patient-to-nurse ratios. In Belgian hospitals, there are 9.4 patients per nurse, above the recommended ratio of 8.
"The shortage of nurses and caregivers is a global problem, but in Belgium it is exacerbated by the organisation and financing of care," said Dr Gilbert Bejjani, vice-president of the Belgian Federation of Doctors' Syndicates.
"More efficiency and a redistribution of tasks and functions are needed through various forms of cooperation within and outside hospitals," said Bejjani.
Sustainability issues
The report also highlights inefficiencies and sustainability issues, in particular the length of hospital stays, which remain higher than the European average.
"The Belgian healthcare system has a solid infrastructure, but the Healthcare Resilience Barometer reveals significant opportunities for improvement. Healthcare is at a crossroads and ensuring quality care for current and future generations has never been more important," said Alexander Alonso, General Manager Benelux at BD.