Already 850 of 1,200 vacancies filled at Brussels Airport

At Brussels Airport, 850 of the 1,200 vacancies have already been filled. That is what Labour minister Jo Brouns said on Thursday in the Flemish Parliament in response to a question from Tom Ongena.
Since early May, Brussels Airport has been looking for new employees, a search that seems to be going smoothly. On Thursday, Jo Brouns (CD&V) announced that 850 positions have already been filled. "So, good work has already been done, but additional efforts are still needed", Tom Ongena said (Open VLD).
Recruitment campaign
Aviato, the employment centre of Brussels Airport, launched a recruitment campaign in May to ensure that the 1,200 jobs at the airport are filled quickly. Especially with the busy summer holidays ahead and the resumption of passenger traffic, Aviato wants to recruit new aircraft technicians, security guards, salespeople and administrative staff.
"We should perhaps look at how we can increase the attractiveness of those jobs," Ongena said. "It is more of a suggestion: perhaps it would be useful to sit down with the airport sector and the entire business community around Zaventem (where the airport is located) to find out how, apart from the activation efforts that we are currently making, we can ensure that these jobs remain filled in a more sustainable way and that we can also make them more attractive."
Minister of Labour Brouns had his own suggestion for filling the remaining vacancies. "I was always a fan of the 'Life as it is: Airport' programme," he said. "I've always believed very strongly in this, in the police, in healthcare. When you bring life on the floor into the living room, people really learn to appreciate what it's like there."
© BELGA PHOTO James Arthur Gekiere